About Us
The Republican Party of Tulare County is governed by the Tulare County Republican Central Committee whose officials are elected during the Presidential Republican Primary and represent their county supervisor district. We serve as the certified Republican political organization within the county.
All Republican voters are welcome to join the team in numerous volunteer capacities at any time. Contact us via phone at (559) 202-7811 or email at tularegop@gmail.com.
Register Voters - Recruit Volunteers - Raise Money to Support Candidates - Get Out the Vote - Elect Republicans
How you can help Republicans win:
Become a Neighborhood Team Leader and Knock on doors in your neighborhood
Help at the Republican Headquarters
Run for Local Office or Recruit a Candidate
Make a Financial Contribution
High School/College Students can apply for the Internship Program
Attend monthly meetings that are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 6:00 PM. For additional details, click here.
Hon. Connie Conway
1st Vice-Chair
Dave Preston
2nd Vice-Chair
Ian Bakke
Korey Wells
Barbara Hallmeyer